What VizTrack is up to

The future of Shipping and Logistics is Digital, Automated, Efficient and Decarbonized

Our Mission


Our Vision
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Our History
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra.
  • Nsectetur adipisicing eiusmod Tempor
  • Labore et dolore magna aliqua enim
  • Veniam quis nostrud ullamco laboris


The VizTrack Journey


Research and Innovation Starts at Universites

Researchers from AAU / SDU begin the ECOPRODIGI / EXOPRODIGI project(s) with DFDS and other industry partners with a focus on digitalizing maritime processes, and in parallel researchers from Taltech start a Smart Port Project with Port of Tallin and Tallink

Research and Innovation Starts at Universites

The RoRoGreen project

The RoRoGreen project is launched where Researchers from SDU and Taltech together with other Industry partners focus on how to digitalize and optimize cargo stowage and operations at DFDS

The RoRoGreen project

VizTrack is founded

VizTrack is founded as a spin off from SDU and Taltech research and innovation done as part of The RoRoGreen project established by Niels Gorm Maly Rytter and Mairo Leier

VizTrack is founded

Project MarketReady is launched

VizTrack is granted a commercial loan on favorable conditions from The Danish Maritime Fund for Project MarketReady

Project MarketReady is launched

VizTracker version 3 delivered and tested

VizTracke version 3 is developed and tested for DFDS in a selected port

VizTracker version 3 delivered and tested

VizTrack joins the RoRoGreen project

VizTrack enter into the RoRoGreen project as an industry partner for the remaining project period

VizTrack joins the RoRoGreen project

VizTracker version 4 to be delivered and tested

Based on learnings and results from the testing of VizTracker 3,, development of version 4 of the VizTracker is initiated with subsequent testing planned for Q2 2023

VizTracker version 4 to be delivered and tested

VizTracker version 4 to be ready for commercialization

It is envisioned that VizTracker version 4 will be available as as commercial attractive product for the RoRo Shipping Industry by Q3 2024

VizTracker version 4 to be ready for commercialization

Our History