Aim and Mission of our Company
It is envisioned that the maritime industry will become more Lean, Digital, Automated / Autonomous, Efficient and and Sustainable in the coming decades. A combination of increased competition, new advances in digital and green technologies, as well as enforced regulation from EU and IMO will push for a transformation of shipping and port operations in parallel with continued growth of global transport volumes.
VizTrack’s aim and mission is to support the digital and green transformation of the industry based on decades of industry experience and expertise in strategic advisory, business development, process innovation and latest digital and green technologies.
VizTrack offers both advisory and technology development services to the maritime industry – with an emphasis on Liner Shipping which covers both Container and RoRo / RoPax Shipping. A unique contribution from our company is that we are in progress bringing a unique vision based cargo and mobile equipment tracking solution to the market: The VizTracker which can create additional real-time visibility of RoRo cargo operations and enable data driven optimization of work processes for vessel stowage.
Via previous engagements within Container and RoRo / RoPax shipping segments, we have observed that many shipping companies and ports / terminals today struggle making the right investment and partnership decisions for the coming decade with respect to adoption of digital and green technologies. In addition, companies struggle obtaining significant operational and business impact when executing their digital and green technology projects running as staff is under pressure from needs of daily operations and multiple interests of various stakeholder groups prevail. We intend to be a trusted advisor for the industry in dealing with such challenges in the coming years.